Our Educational Philosophy

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”


An understanding of the philosophy of Christian classical education begins by answering the question, “what is a person?” We believe that human beings are created in the image of God, and that our purpose is to glorify and enjoy Him. This understanding of what a human being is and our relationship to God impacts how we view and educate our children. We understand that God has created children with a capacity for knowledge of Himself and the world He has created. Our role as educators is to cultivate in them wisdom and virtue so that they may become true worshipers of God in every area of their lives.

How do we cultivate these things in our students? We aim to do this by setting before them the things that are True, Good and Beautiful and by training them in the Seven Liberal Arts so that they can clearly discern the things that are worth loving. C. S. Lewis said, “the aim of education is to the make the student like and dislike what he ought.” This aim of teaching children to love what they ought to love impacts everything our school does. This kind of education equips students for all of life, no matter what God calls them to.

Here are some of the distinctives of our educational approach:

  • Our goal is for our students to grow in wisdom and virtue in body, mind and soul.
  • Our curriculum is centered around history, art, music, literature, ideas, and the culture that has been passed down to us through Western civilization and the Christian tradition.
  • Our pedagogy is traditional rather than progressive. We employ time tested methods, not “student-centered” or “project-based” systems.
  • Our teachers are mentors who are able to model for their students how to walk with God and develop a love for the True, Good and Beautiful.
  • Our culture helps to instill good habits, such as attention, fortitude, respect for others, and self-control, that our students will carry with them throughout their lives.